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Déclaration des Chefs dEtat et de gouvernements des pays du G 20

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G20 Leaders Declaration

1. We, the Leaders of the G20, convened in Los Cabos on 18-19 June 2012.

2. We are united in our resolve to promote growth and jobs.

3. Since we last met, the global recovery has continued to face a number of challenges. Financial market tensions are high. External, fiscal and financial imbalances are still prevalent, having a major impact on growth and employment prospects and confidence. Clearly, the global economy remains vulnerable, with a negative impact on the everyday lives of people all over the world, affecting jobs, trade, development, and the environment.

4. We will act together to strengthen recovery and address financial market tensions.

5. We will work collectively to strengthen demand and restore confidence with a view to support growth and foster financial stability in order to create high quality jobs and opportunities for all of our citizens. We have agreed today on a coordinated Los Cabos Growth and Jobs Action Plan to achieve those goals.

6. Euro Area members of the G20 will take all necessary policy measures to safeguard the integrity and stability of the area, improve the functioning of financial markets and break the feedback loop between sovereigns and banks. We look forward to the Euro Area working in partnership with the next Greek government to ensure they remain on the path to reform and sustainability within the Euro Area.
7. We are implementing our structural and regulatory reform agenda to enhance medium-term growth prospects and build more resilient financial systems. We remain committed to reduce imbalances by strengthening deficit countries’ public finances with sound and sustainable policies that take into account evolving economic conditions and, in countries with large current account surpluses, by strengthening domestic demand and moving toward greater exchange rate flexibility.
8. Despite the challenges we all face domestically, we have agreed that multilateralism is of even greater importance in the current climate, and remains our best asset to resolve the global economy's difficulties.
9. Recognizing the impact of the continuing crisis on developing countries, particularly low income countries, we will intensify our efforts to create a more conducive environment for development, including supporting infrastructure investment. Our policy actions will improve living conditions across the globe and protect the most vulnerable. In particular, by stabilizing global markets and 2 promoting stronger growth, we will generate significant positive effects on development and poverty reduction across the globe.

Supporting economic stabilization and the global recovery

10. Strong, sustainable and balanced growth remains the top priority of the G20, as it leads to higher job creation and increases the welfare of people across the world. We are committed to adopting all necessary policy measures to strengthen demand, support global growth and restore confidence, address short and medium-term risks, enhance job creation and reduce unemployment, as reflected in the Los Cabos Growth and Jobs Action Plan (see Annex). We will implement all our commitments in a timely manner and rigorously monitor their implementation.

11. Against the background of renewed market tensions, Euro Area members of the G20 will take all necessary measures to safeguard the integrity and stability of the area, improve the functioning of financial markets and break the feedback loop between sovereigns and banks. We welcome the significant actions taken since the last summit by the Euro Area to support growth, ensure financial stability and promote fiscal responsibility as a contribution to the G20 framework for strong, sustainable and balanced growth. In this context, we welcome Spain’s plan to recapitalize its banking system and the Eurogroup’s announcement of support for Spain’s financial restructuring authority. The adoption of the Fiscal Compact and its ongoing implementation, together with growth-enhancing policies and structural reform and financial stability measures, are important steps towards greater fiscal and economic integration that lead to sustainable borrowing costs. The imminent establishmentof the European Stability Mechanism is a substantial strengthening of the European firewalls. We fully support the actions of the Euro Area in moving forward with the completion of the Economic and Monetary Union. Towards that end, we support the intention to consider concrete steps towards a more integrated financial architecture, encompassing banking supervision, resolution and recapitalization, and deposit insurance. Euro Area members will foster intra Euro Area adjustment
through structural reforms to strengthen competitiveness in deficit countries and to promote demand and growth in surplus countries. The European Union members of the G20 are determined to move forward expeditiously on measures to support growth including through completing the European Single Market and making better use of European financial means, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), pilot project bonds, and structural and cohesion funds, for more targeted investment,
employment, growth and competitiveness, while maintaining the firm commitment to implement fiscal consolidation to be assessed on a structural basis. We look forward to the Euro Area working in partnership with the next Greek government to ensure they remain on the path to reform and sustainability within the Euro Area.

12. All G20 members will take the necessary actions to strengthen global growth and restore confidence. Advanced economies will ensure that the pace of fiscal consolidation is appropriate to support the recovery, taking country-specific circumstances into account and, in line with the Toronto commitments, address concerns about medium term fiscal sustainability. Those advanced and emerging economies which have fiscal space will let the automatic fiscal stabilizers to operate taking
into account national circumstances and current demand conditions. Should economic conditions deteriorate significantly further, those countries with sufficient fiscal space stand ready to coordinate and implement discretionary fiscal actions to support domestic demand, as appropriate. In many countries, higher investment in education, innovation and infrastructure can support the creation of jobs now while raising productivity and future growth prospects. Recognizing the need to pursue
growth-oriented policies that support demand and recovery, the United States will calibrate the pace of its fiscal consolidation by ensuring that its public finances are placed on a sustainable long-run path so that a sharp fiscal contraction in 2013 is avoided.
13. Monetary policy will maintain price stability over the medium term while continuing to support the economic recovery. We will strengthen confidence in our banks, maintaining momentum on the financial sector reforms needed to safeguard our financial systems over the medium term while taking appropriate actions to protect credit channels and the integrity of the global payment and settlement systems. Healthy banks, with an ability to lend, are critical to the global recovery.

14. G20 members will remain vigilant of the evolution of oil prices and will stand ready to carry out additional actions as needed, including the commitment by producing countries to continue to ensure an appropriate level of supply consistent with demand. We welcome Saudi Arabia’s readiness to mobilize, as necessary, existing spare capacity to ensure adequate supply. We will also remain vigilant of other commodity prices.

15. A number of emerging markets are now also experiencing a slowdown in growth. In response, these countries are appropriately directing monetary and fiscal policies to support growth while ensuring stability and, in some cases, introducing new measures to boost their economies, in particular through strengthening domestic demand in a context of weaker external demand.

16. We welcome progress by countries with large current account surpluses to increase domestic demand and actions by countries with large current account deficits to increase national savings. Emerging surplus economies will carry out further actions to increase domestic consumption, including by removing price and tax distortions and strengthening social safety nets, while advanced surplus economies or those with relatively weak private demand will promote domestic
demand, notably through the liberalization of service sectors and the promotion of investment, including through the removal of inefficiencies. Higher national savings in countries with current account deficits will contribute to a lasting reduction in global imbalances. We recognize the special circumstances of large commodity exporters with regard to current account surpluses. We reaffirm our commitment to move more rapidly toward market-determined exchange rate systems and exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying fundamentals, avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments, and refrain from competitive devaluation of currencies. We also welcome the commitment by China to allow market forces to play a larger role in determining movements in the Remnimbi (RMB), continue to reform its exchange rate regime, and to increase the transparency of its exchange rate policy.
17. All G20 members have put forward structural reform commitments to strengthen and sustain global demand, foster job creation, contribute to global rebalancing and increase growth potential. These include product market reforms to increase competition, measures to stabilize the housing sector, labor market reforms to boost competitiveness and employment, as well as steps to strengthen social safety nets in a way that is fiscally responsible, advance tax reform to raise productivity, increase investment in infrastructure, and promote inclusive green growth and sustainable development as appropriate to country circumstances. We ask Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to consider ways in which the G20 can foster investment in infrastructure and ensure the availability of sufficient funding for infrastructure projects, including Multilateral Development Banks’ (MDBs) financing and technical support.

18. In all policy areas, we commit to minimize the negative spillovers on other countries of policies implemented for domestic purposes. We reaffirm our shared interest in a strong and stable international financial system. While capital flows can be beneficial to recipient economies, we reiterate that excess volatility of financial flows and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability.
19. Recognizing the importance of transparency and accountability in reinforcing credibility and confidence, we have agreed on the Los Cabos Accountability Assessment Framework that accompanies the Growth and Jobs Action Plan. This Framework establishes the procedures we will follow to report on progress in implementing our policy commitments. We welcome the first Accountability Report under this new framework. We task our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to present the second Accountability Report for the Leaders’ Summit in St. Petersburg in 2013.
Employment and Social Protection
20. Quality employment is at the heart of our macroeconomic policies. Jobs with labor rights, socialsecurity coverage and decent income contribute to more stable growth, enhance social inclusion and reduce poverty. We therefore endorse the recommendations of our Labor and Employment Ministers to urgently combat unemployment through appropriate labor market measures and fostering the creation of decent work and quality jobs, particularly for youth and other vulnerable groups, who have been severely hit by the economic crisis. We reaffirm our commitment to youth to facilitate their access to quality jobs, which will boost their life prospects. We welcome the work of the G20 Task Force on Employment and extend its mandate for an additional year in the terms proposed by our Ministers. Consistent with the Los Cabos Growth and Jobs Action Plan, we consider that structural reforms, in full respect of the fundamental principles and rights at work, can play an important role in lifting economic growth to generate labor market opportunities, mobility and jobs. We also commit to intensify our efforts to strengthen cooperation in education,skills development and training policies, including internship and on-the-job training, which support a successful school-to-work transition.
21. Creating jobs and reducing unemployment, particularly among our youth and those most affected by the crisis, is central to all our countries. We welcome the report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank on boosting jobs and living standards in G20 countries. We will continue to focus on measures to accelerate the pace of the recovery in jobs and the reduction in unemployment.
22. We recognize the importance of establishing nationally determined social protection floors. We will continue to foster inter-agency and international policy coherence, coordination, cooperation and knowledge sharing to assist low-income countries in capacity building for implementing nationally determined social protection floors. We ask international organizations to identify policy options with low-income countries on how to develop effective sustainable protection floors.
23. We commit to take concrete actions to overcome the barriers hindering women's full economic and social participation and to expand economic opportunities for women in G20 economies. We also express our firm commitment to advance gender equality in all areas, including skills training, wages and salaries, treatment in the workplace, and responsibilities in care-giving.
24. We ask our Labor Ministers to review progress made on this agenda and we welcome
consultations with social partners. In this regard, we appreciate the contribution of the Business-20 (B20) and Labor-20 (L20) to the process of the G20 under the Mexican Presidency.
25. We recognize the role of travel and tourism as a vehicle for job creation, economic growth and development, and, while recognizing the sovereign right of States to control the entry of foreign nationals, we will work towards developing travel facilitation initiatives in support of job creation, quality work, poverty reduction and global growth.


26. We are firmly committed to open trade and investment, expanding markets and resisting
protectionism in all its forms, which are necessary conditions for sustained global economic
recovery, jobs and development. We underline the importance of an open, predictable, rulesbased, transparent multilateral trading system and are committed to ensure the centrality of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
27. Recognizing the importance of investment for boosting economic growth, we commit to
maintaining a supportive business environment for investors.

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Le circuit dans les Calanques de Marseille

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